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To promote your products.

Here at Klixo Media, we're bored of bad B2C marketing.


That's why we make f*cking funny social media content to get your products seen by as many people as possible.

phone graphic

How do we do it?

Social media is stressful as h*ll, so we'll manage it for you.


We'll make your content, and make sure your products get the views they deserve!

We'll probably make you laugh along the way too.

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • X
  • YouTube
  • TikTok

It's better to make content that makes people laugh, rather than boring and 'safe' posts (don't worry, we're still fully ASA compliant).


If you're worried about HR or pleasing the higher ups, don't worry. We've got you covered.

But what do we offer?

We keep it simple.

Social Media Management

We handle the stress of your social media.


Engaging with your followers, responding to DMs, and optimising the content you make, in order to increase reach.

Video Content

We'll turn your product pictures and videos into short form videos. If you don't have pictures, let us know and we'll sort it.


These videos are vital to growing your social media presence. 

 Feed Content

We'll create an eye catching home feed, to ensure your visitors see your products in the best light.

From multipost grid designs, themes and just looking good, we've got you covered. 

Social Shop Creation

Being able to sell directly on social media is great. We'll build and optimise TikTok and Instagram Shop accounts in order to make it easier for your customers. Plus, it's more sales for you!

We'll ensure it's constantly updated and working smoothly. 

What do I do if I don't have any images or videos? 

First off, don't worry! 

We work with OwlCat Media, a highly experienced photography and videography team to ensure you have the right content. If you need product images or videos, let us know and we'll get it sorted!

owlcat logo 2.png

All our services are modular, meaning we can make a package to exactly fit your needs and budget

Who the hell are we?


Meet Chris

Head of Sales and Operations


Meet Oliver

Marketing and Short Form Content specialist

An Image of Glen, our marketing and design specialist

Meet Glen

Marketing and Design specialist

It's time to get serious.

Look, it's changing to monochrome just to show how serious we can be.

chris is looking serious at his desk

We're a group of good friends who want to be fun with marketing and social media, but we know how to get to work.

We always prioritise high standards and efficiency.

We invest a lot of time making sure we know what we are doing, which includes a lot, we mean a LOT of brainstorming! 

We want to make a difference. Not just to the world of marketing, but to the planet as well. That's why we're doing our best to reduce carbon emissions. 

We think new tech is pretty cool. We've seen people using AI for marketing, and most of the time, it's pretty sh*t. We use AI for the boring stuff, but you can guarantee that all our ideas are thought up by our wacky brains.


british countryside flowes

Hey look it's time to get fun again.

Our blog

We want to help you understand what we do a little more. Feel free to gander at our blog posts. 

We'll keep you updated with algorithms, and new tips and tricks!
Subscribe to our mailing list. (It's only one a email week).

Special offer, our emails are now FREE instead of £0!


You made it this far, you may as well have a chat with us now! After all, we are very, very funny. 

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